Monday, May 4, 2009

Doctor's Visit

Just a quick post...I had a sono visit today. I'm 32 weeks and 3 days and Lily is measuring at 33 weeks, so she's only 4 days ahead of my due date which is really good. The doctor said she weighs about 4.5 lbs. She's still a girl :o) and she looks good and healthy. As my pregnancy progresses things are getting a little more difficult and I'm moving a little slower. I've started mainly going for walks and not going to the gym as much. Water aerobics is good's easy to move in the water and I feel weightless! Weightless is nice!

8 more weeks!


Unknown said...

does that mean she might come a few days early! that would be perfect if she did, because then i'd be able to meet her since I'll be in the valley the week of june 22nd - june 25th! :)

MonTheMom said...

maybe...we'll see! I'm not sure i'll make it all the way to 40 weeks! I'm thinking maybe like 38 or 39.

Unknown said...

that would be perfect becuase then she'll be already home! :)

have you prepared dexter & bella for Lily's arrival?