Thursday, May 7, 2009

I'm All Feelings...

Lately I've been so emotional. It takes NOTHING to make me cry. The usual sad song or sappy commercial, even a semi sad movie used to be the only things that activated the water works, but now it's ANYTHING! I was watching Bella eat her food and drink her water and she was just so cute that my eyes got all teary. It's crazy how emotional I get. Yesterday took the cake though. I went downtown McAllen to buy some ribbon for a present that I'm making. I thought downtown would have cheap ribbon (cheaper than Hobby Lobby) because it's practically Mexico and things are almost free in Mexico, RIGHT? WRONG! I stood in line with my one spool of ribbon behind a MILLION people buying flowers and crap in bulk. I was there forever! So I finally get to the front and the lady looks at my ribbon and says "En efectivo" I say "no, con tarjeta"...remember this is LIKE then she says "NO, en efectivo" (that means CASH ONLY). I didn't have cash :o( I only have my freakin' debit card! So I said "REALLY?" Apparently you can't purchase anything on your debit card under $10. Well I didn't need $10 worth of ribbon, I needed one spool for $2.50. She just looked at me and shrugged her shoulders. I could feel my eyes filling with tears so I just said ok, put the ribbon down, and walked out. I walked to my car got inside and as soon as I closed the door I stared sobbing! SOBBING...not just crying...SOBBING! I cried the whole way back to the office. My mom suggested just going to Hobby Lobby. Once I calmed down I went to HL and guess what...ALL OF THE RIBBON WAS 50% OFF! I could get one spool of ribbon for $1! This time my eyes filled with tears of joy! I got 2 spools :o) AND paid with my debit card!

Today I went to lunch with mom at Luby's and we went to Hallmark to get some mother's day cards. On the way out my ankle twisted and I the ground! I hadn't fallen at all since I've been pregnant. I've had close calls, but I can usually regain my balance or catch myself on something/someone. This time my ankle rolled and it seemed like I went down like a ton of bricks. I landed on my my hands and knees and it really hurt! I got up right away and TRIED to laugh it off, but I was super scared for Lily that my laughter quickly turned to tears. Mom tried to calm me down saying it was ok, and that it was a really slow fall. I didn't sob this time, I just wiped my tears and kept on walking. As soon as I got back to work I checked Lily out in ultrasound to make sure she wasn't too shook up. She was good, nice strong heart rate :o) just chillin' in my tummy. I felt so scared though, that was the first time I felt a real panic! That's when I should have been sobbing, but NOOOO, I cry over ribbon!

Ok, back to work :o) P.S. I'll be 33 weeks tomorrow!


Elizabeth Camarena said...

lily is growing super fast! she's going to be big and healthy! can't wait to see you in may. let me know if your shower date changes because you are in labor.

MonTheMom said...

OMG!!! That will NOT happen! Don't even say that, hahaha! I'm already freaking out!

MrsQuinn said...

aww!!! thats sounds like me on a regular day, i can't even imagine what its going to be like when i'm pregnant. :(