Friday, May 15, 2009

I want my ribs back!

As my pregnancy progresses I feel more and more like my body is no longer mine. Lily has taken over. She does whatever she wants, whenever she wants. Yesterday she decided to spend the majority of the day just hanging out in my ribs. I went to the movies and it was like she was riding a bicycle and my ribs were the pedals. When I went home I sat to watch Grey's Anatomy and again, she was all up in my ribs! I had to stand for a while trying to get her to move down. I tell myself she's just trying to be as close to my heart as she can ;o) She's getting bigger and her movements are much more exaggerated. I can see her moving my tummy around, it's so weird!

It's getting down to the wire and I can't believe that it's almost done! I'm 34 weeks, so that means 6 more weeks (assuming I make it to 40). I have a friend in Austin (Anna) who is 38 weeks and she's already 4 cm dialated! She's going to be induced Tuesday if she doesn't go into labor before then. Then there's Jill here in town with me who is a couple weeks ahead of me. She isn't dialated just yet but she's also getting closer everyday! Now that I think about it I know quite a few pregnant gals: Anna, Jill, Amber, Dawn, Ceci, Lisa, Connie, Victoria (twins), and Nicki. When I first got pregnant I felt so alone and like it ws just me and Jill, but now I feel comfort knowing I have friends in the same boat. All in different trimesters, but still.

Tomorrow Adam and I go to childbirth class! It's from 9 - 4! The doctor said he recommended that we go if we have the chance, but that it's not necessary. I really wanted to go so that I can be prepared for the stages, the lingo, and the different scenarios that can play out. They also teach you how to breast feed which is important to me. I have my next doctor's appointment on Monday. I'll update afterwards and also update on how class went.


Unknown said...

wait, what...Connie is pregnant????

MonTheMom said...

yeah! I thought I had told you...She's about 11 weeks now. I really thought I had told you!